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About 'Gap House'
"Most of the gaps I have seen with Mind the Gap are way more comfortable and wide than some rooms I have seen in London."
--- a gap filler
"It's the only way I would be able to afford living in some fancy districts."
--- a gap filler
"If I can design the structure I live in then I will have more chances to think about how I interact with the environments."
--- a gap filler
About 'Housing Crisis'
"Help the one in need for a place to live, because every of us can easily become homeless in high living cost London just in the blink of an eye."
--- a gap filler
"Maybe it's time to think about different way of living, especially for citizens who are now not living in 'proper house'(e.g. homeless)"
--- a gap filler
"It would be good to have gap house; it looks like a fun and practical way to overcome the high rents. It would be cheap and well located in the middle of the city. Maybe they could even be made as community space, or cultural spaces. To reclaim public space for all."
--- a gap filler
"Gap house can be an ideal studio for doing art works."
--- a gap filler
"London housing prices are ridiculously expensive! The student accommodation is even more expensive than the house rent. Is there anyway a support system for students getting cheaper prices while they could maintain good environments to focus on their studies?"
--- a gap filler
"The city is increasingly becoming a place for someone, and not for everyone. Housing is a fundamental part of human life and this is not being secured for everyone is something needs drastic shift in mindset and priority, and we expect the government and council to take initiative in the issue."
--- a gap filler
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